Customer Alerts

Customer Alerts

To setup or edit customer alerts go to Administration > Customer and drill down on the Customer Name

Click on the Alerts tab 

Please note each customer can only have one RO Alert and one Counter Sale Alert at a time

RO Alerts

Click on the Alert Note field to view the current notes you have in EMDECS

Add a New RO Alert

Click on the green + to add a new Alert Note

Alert notes can be general for all customers or specific to certain customers.

Input the Code, Description and Notes then click OK to save the new alert.
The Notes field is the where you type what will be displayed in the alert

Select the Alert Note, then choose the Display Alert When

  1. Arrivals Check-In: Alert will appear when checking-in the customer's unit on the Service Board

  1. New RO: Alert will appear when creating a new RO for the customer's unit on the Service Board, Complete RO, or Tech RO

  1. Unit Ready: Alert will appear when the technician clicks on Unit Ready for the customers unit

  1. Invoice RO: Alert will appear when Invoice is clicked on the RO for the customers unit 

  1. Close RO: Alert will appear when Close RO is clicked on the RO for the customers unit 

  1. Require Response: If this checkbox is checked off, the alert will have a mandatory reponse text field

  1. External notes: If this check box is checked off the alert note will be copied to the External Notes field on the RO and it will also appear at the bottom of the invoice

  1. Internal Notes: If this check box is checked off the alert note will be copied to the Internal notes field on the RO
    1. If the Require Response field is also checked, the reponse will also be in the Internal Notes field

Remove Customer RO  Alerts

To remove the current customer RO Alert go to Administration > Customer > Alerts >  Red X

Edit Customer RO Alerts 

To edit the current customer RO Alert go to Administration > Customer > Alerts >  Edit

You can also Edit and Delete RO Alerts by going to Administration > Standard CodesCustomer > RO Alerts

Counter Sale Alerts

 To setup and view counter sale alerts go to Administration > Customer and drill down on the Customer Name

Click on the Alerts tab, then the Counter Sale Alerts tab.

Click on the Alert Note field to view the current notes you have in EMDECS

Add a new Counter Sale Alert

Click on the green + to add a new counter sale alert note

Input the CodeDescription and Notes then click Add to save the new alert.
The Notes field is the where you type what will be displayed in the alert

When a new counter sale is created and the customer is selected the alert will appear. 

Here is an example of the Counter Sale Alert after creating a new counter sale for the customer.

Remove Customer Counter Sale Alerts 

To remove the current customer counter sale alert go to Administration > Customer > Alerts > Counter Sale Alerts >  Red X

Edit Customer Counter Sale Alerts

To edit the current customer counter sale alert go to Administration > Customer > Alerts > Counter Sale Alerts > Edit

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