This article will go over how to edit unit Information in the Unit Master.
1. To manage unit go to Fleet > Unit Master. The Units tab is displayed when the Unit Master is first opened. This is where you can view and manage units in EMDECS.
2. Search for a Unit and click on the Unit Number hyperlink.
3. The first pop-up will be the At a Glance screen. This displays basic unit information such as Owner, Unit #, Description, VIN #, Year, License #, Next PM Due, Last WO, and the Active checkbox. You are able to edit any information that has a clickable text field.
If you make any changes to the Unit infomation make sure to click Save/Exit to save your changes.
Click on More Info to move to the rest of the unit settings.
4. The next pop-up is where all the Unit settings are listed. The top pane shows the units information.
5. The left hand side lists the Owner, Owner Code, Unit #, Description, Active checkbox, and Status.
To deactivate a unit uncheck the Active checkbox.
6. To change the unit number click on the pencil icon. In the pop-up input the unit number change then click Change Unit #.
7. The middle section displays the DOT Requirements such as VIN #, Serial Number, Year, and Tire Size. You are able to edit any information that has a clickable text field.
8. The right hand side displays the Make and Models. The options given are Truck/Trailer, Engine, Transmission, Rear Axle, and Body. Click the Select hyperlink to add a Make and Model for the unit.
To learn how to add new
Makes and Models go to the
How to Add New Unit Makes and Models article