EMDECS System Update: Q2 2022

EMDECS System Update: Q2 2022

Please be advised that new system updates will be released on July 24th and 25th, 2022.  No system downtime is required.

The release date and time varies based on which EMDECS database / URL you use to access the system:
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Release Notes

  Program Area Release Note Type
1 Fleet -> Rental Manager Rental agreement fails to print when finalizing the agreement Bug Fix
2 Fleet -> Rental Manager Rental invoices print out blank pages in some corporations. Bug Fix
3 Complete RO -> Non-repair Bill If a non-repair bill is made for a customer with no currency set up, an Oracle error is shown instead of an English language error Bug Fix
4 Reports -> Shop Management -> Outstanding Service Report Outstanding Service Report does not capture Campaign Work/Overdue PM Schedule work Bug Fix
5 Fleet -> Rental Manager -> To Be Invoiced tab Cannot invoice agreements unless they are finalized in Gen 1. Bug Fix
6 Fleet -> Rental Manager Cannot create a new Finance Lease agreement Bug Fix
7 Customer Access Portal -> View Repair Estimates Unable to submit Partial Approvals in Customer Access Portal Bug Fix
8 Repairs -> Customer Equipment -> Fixed PM Fixed PM scheduled only generate for either "Months" or "Days" for the interval, not a combination of both. Bug Fix
9 Reports -> Inventory -> Parts Usage Export Parts Usage Export does not match the Parts History report Bug Fix
10 Fleet -> Rental Manager Insurance Permit should not be mandatory when creating Finance Lease agreements Bug Fix
11 Fleet -> Unit Master -> drill into unit -> Readings -> Add Reading An error occurs if a user deactivates a specification when "Include Inactive" is off,  Bug Fix
12 Reports -> Financial -> Balance Sheet Balance Sheet not showing data in Prior Month and Prior 2 Years Columns Bug Fix
13 Reports -> AP -> Aged Payables Aged Payables report missing values if it is generated using invoice dates. Bug Fix
14 Service -> Complete RO -> New RO Parts dragged to other labour lines or labour re-sequencing are automatically assigned to the last labour line in the sequence (Chrome/Edge browsers) Bug Fix
15 Parts -> Physical Count -> Open Counts -> Print Count Sheet Physical Count cuts off part numbers after a hyphen. Bug Fix
16 Complete RO -> Non Repair Bill Invoice Date on printed Non-Repair Bill does not match the date on the actual invoice Bug Fix
17 Fleet -> Unit Master -> Import Readings Unable to Import Equipment Readings: Status: 404; Web Service Error Bug Fix
18 Parts -> Part Master -> At a glance window / Stock Available Tab On hands on At a glance window not matching Stock available tab in Part Master Bug Fix
19 Service -> SRT Guide -> Add SRT Bug fix - make the Make and Model mandatory in the SRT Guide when creating new SRT based on Make and Model  Bug Fix
20 Service -> Service Board -> Estimate Very long notes added to an estimate's header might be cut off in the printed estimate. Bug Fix
21 Administration -> Warehouse Manager Parts Core On-Hand Quantity missing values on the Warehouse Manager (Stock Replenishment Tab) screen. Bug Fix
22 Reports -> Shop Management -> Cost Per Mile Export The Cost per Mile report and export show no data if a large date range and the summary version of the report are selected. Bug Fix
23 Reports -> AR -> Customer Statements Customer Statements Printing with Header cut off. Bug Fix
24 Parts -> Receive Parts -> Monitor Parts Ordered For RO Cancelling a part off of a PO should remove the part from Monitor Parts Ordered For RO screen Bug Fix
25 Financials -> Financial Manager Fixed an issue with the Invoices with No Journal feature that was making it run slowly for some users. Bug Fix
26 Financials -> AR Manager -> Create Receipt AR Manager Receipts remaining balance incorrectly recalculating. Bug Fix
27 Reports -> Shop Management -> Internal RO Cost Detail Report/Export Labour Lines mismatch between InternalCostRO/WO Detail Export and Report versions. Bug Fix
28 Parts -> Counter Sale Manager -> History When Advanced Search is used in Counter Sale History, other search parameters are ignored (Customer, Date Range). Bug Fix
29 Parts -> Counter Sale Manager Cores added to counter sale using scan entry were not detected  Bug Fix
30 Reports -> Shop Management -> Internal Repair RO Cost Detail Fixed an issue where the printed version and Excel version of the Internal Repair RO Cost Detail report could show different data Bug Fix
31 Service -> Complete RO -> Submitted -> Select WO -> Customer Proof When an ampersand "&" character is entered in the 3C fields, a text code gets printed in the customer proof. Bug Fix
32 Reports -> Fleet -> Customer Unit Export Customer Unit Export "Subtype" field does not populate data when set to All. When restricted to a single subtype, data displays Bug Fix
33 Service -> After the Fact RO Bug fix: Fix overlap of unit owner name with unit Vin # when changing units in After The Fact RO screen  Bug Fix
34 Fleet -> Unit Master Bug fix: Pressing ESC on At A Glance Unit Master popup no longer shows the error, only for users that have  At a Glance feature  Bug Fix
35 Parts -> Counter Sale Manager Part Surcharge Overrides apply to repair orders but not counter sales Bug Fix
36 Reports -> AR -> Aged Receivables Aged Receivables / Playable report in Gen 1 / Forms shows 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, etc While in Gen 2 / Kona the reports show 0-30, 30-60, 60-90, etc Bug Fix
37 Reports -> Shop Management -> Cost Per Mile Units without repair history are now included in the Cost Per Mile report New Feature
38 Customer Access Portal Customer Booking and Invoice review options added to the Customer Access Portal New Feature
39 Financials -> GL Mapping -> Counter Sales Fixed an issue with counter sales returns that could prevent those transactions from journalizing. New Feature
40 Financials -> AP Manager Enhanced miscellaneous AP invoices so that hey can be unfinalized if needed, or removed from a payment run New Feature
41 Admin -> Warehouse Manager -> Stock Replenishment Added an export option to Warehouse Manager -> Stock Replenishment tab  New Feature
42 Reports Counter Sale Back Order Export report added as an equivalent to the Gen 1 / Forms counter sales back order report. New Feature
43 Reports -> Financial -> Income Statements It is now possible to make EMDECS reset the transaction date to be the same as the invoice date when finalizing a Miscellaneous AP Invoice. Please contact Customer Experience if you would like to use this feature. New Feature
44 Services -> Complete RO Show inspection number on the activity and when user drills into the activity  New Feature
45 Administration -> User Accounts -> User Manager -> Security tab Users can be granted Read-Only access for the Part Master screen. New Feature
46 Parts -> Part Master -> Advance Search VMRS code options added to Part Master Advanced Search. New Feature
47 Services -> Complete RO -> Invoiced Added options to hide corporate or location address from some work order invoice formats (Standard, Single 10), and to  show or hide the part discount for parts on work order invoices (Standard, Single 10, Double 10, and Footer) New Feature
48 Administration -> Customer Enhanced the Customer and Vendor list searches to include the Phone Number column. New Feature
49 Tech RO Added ability to hide the ability for techs to create repair orders in Tech RO, using security key: AllowTechToCreateNewRO New Feature
50 Financials -> Financial Manager Changed logic on Export Journals screen to display all journal batches for a blank period for the year selected.  New Feature
51 Administration -> Corporate Setup Manager -> Invoice Setup -> Logo You can now override the logo printed on the Customer Statement report at both the corporate or repair location level New Feature
52 Parts -> Physical Count The part UOM has been added to the Physical Count and Posted Physical Count reports New Feature
53 Customer Access Portal Customer Access portal requests - show subtotal on RO, show Status on RO In Progress tab, hide declined bookings based on not checking the decline status upon first accessing the page New Feature
54 Service -> Complete RO -> Any WO -> Customer Proof Added the ability to hide Hourly Charge for labour items on the Customer Proof printout. Contact BrightOrder Customer Experience if you would like to use this feature. New Feature
55 Reports -> Inventory -> Core On Hand Value Report You can now print the Core On Hand Value Report with an option to exclude zero on-hands for cores New Feature
56 Fleet -> Campaigns New report exports added for Internal and External Campaigns. New Feature

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