EMDECS System Update: November 2022

EMDECS System Update: November 2022

Please be advised that new system updates will be released in November 2022.  No system downtime is required.

The release date and time varies based on which EMDECS database / URL you use to access the system:

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Release Notes

Program Area Release Note Type
Fleet > Unit Master Inactive units sometimes did not show up in Unit Master lookup  Bug Fix
Service > Service Board Bug fix, fix error message when doing unit search in Service Board  Bug Fix
Services -> SRT Guide Fixed an issue where a newly created VMRS code could not be searched for or added to a repair order Bug Fix
Reports > Schedule Report Fixed visual bug on the Weekly and Monthly schedule report parameters  Bug Fix
Administration > User Manager Bug fix: to allow warehouse search capabilities in User Manager> Warehouse screen to add warehouse restrictions. Bug Fix
Fleet > Defect Manager > Email Recipient for defect inspection Fixed an issue where occasionally the Customer and Driver based at fields in the Defect Manager emails screen would not populate Bug Fix
Admin > Customer >Customer Details, RO Account Group Fixed the Customer drilldown's RO Account Group dropdown so that it can show more than 25 accounts groups at once. Bug Fix
Service > CompleteRO > Select work order w/parts > Select part Show Item On hand and Location when part is issued on the RO. Bug Fix
Fleet-> Rental Manager-> To Be Invoiced Remove the Prebilling feature off of rental agreement screen Bug Fix
Service > CompleteRO > Ready to submit For customers who use the Close status for work orders instead of Invoicing, it is not possible to bulk close work orders through a new tab in Complete RO Bug Fix
Services -> CompleteRO Bug fix: To add Close RO button back into the Summary panel in Complete RO and fix bulk close access errors.  Bug Fix
Administration > Customer Bug fix: The Counter Sale Alerts were not auto displayed when user first accessed them , they were saved but not visible when user accessed them first time . Fixed Bug Fix
Reports Bug fix: Daily, Weekly, Monthly scheduled reports did not continuously displayed on the report scheduler. Fixed Bug Fix
Reports > View Scheduled Reports Bug fix: The scheduled reports did not show up from Things To do when clicked the Scheduled Reports link Bug Fix
Reports > Inventory Fixed an issue with the Stock On Hand Value export report, where it did not match the PDF version of the same report Bug Fix
Services -> CompleteRO To allow user to delink parts linked to RO on the PO even if the part number is cancelled  Bug Fix
Parts -> Receive Parts -> Quick Receiving To lock up the receiving Date on the receiving screen.   Bug Fix
Service > CompleteRO > Split WO > Customer Invoice Fixed a rare issue where, on some split ROs, the labor lines would be widely separated in the printed version. Bug Fix
Financials -> POS Manager -> Cashier Payout Bug fix: The application no longer crashes when Cashier Payout tab is selected  Bug Fix
Fleet > Unit Master > drill into unit > Warranty tab cosmetic change, to make sure that the Warranty Exception screen is large enough to be seen better on the More Info section of Unit Master Bug Fix
Parts -> Inventory Adjustment Bug fix: Mandatory field City is checked when creating a brand new Warehouse  Bug Fix
Service > CompleteRO Fixed an issue with the Dutch version of the RO printout using the wrong character for decimal places Bug Fix
Fleet -> PM Inspection Manager -> Fixed PM Added a DVSA column to the Fixed PM tab, so you can tell if a PM on a unit qualifies from DVSA and will be submitted for recognition Bug Fix
Inventory > Maintain Warehouse Item > Retails Price Adjustment You can now select a range of parts by name when updating retail parts prices in bulk Bug Fix
Financials > AP Invoices Invoices with zero dollar value are now filtered from the Oustanding Invoices with no Invoice Batch report Bug Fix
Service > SRT Guide Fixed an issue where, under certain rare circumstances, parts could not be added to an SRT guide Bug Fix
Reports -> Scheduled Reports Bug fix: Rescheduling a report would duplicated the report instead of editing it.  Fixed. Bug Fix
Administration -> Customer Re-upload the provinces for UK, also addressed the duplicate provinces by removing them from backend (the Name was duplicate, code was unique ) Bug Fix
Parts > CounterSale Manager Fixed an issue with the counter sale screen where, if a customer PO number was added before putting parts onto the sale, the number would need to be entered again after adding the parts. Bug Fix
Service > Service Board Fixed an issue where it was not possible to search for units on the Service Board by unit owner Bug Fix
Administration > Vendors Expand Vendor code in Vendor Manager to be 24 characters.  New Feature
Reports -> Inventory -> Stock On Hand Value Export Added a column to the Stock on Hand Value export report, showing if the item is on consignment New Feature
Parts > Receive Parts Enhancement: Remove the Add Notes link from submitted Purchase Orders New Feature
Service > Complete RO > Add Parts to RO Add sort order by Part # in  Advance Parts search screen  New Feature
Parts -> AP Invoices The added cost now carries over to the AP Invoices when creating invoice. The added cost will also carry over when multiple invoices are created for the same PO. (same added cost amount will always repeat ) New Feature
Parts -> Countersale Manager Bit of layout changes for counter sales coming from Order Request, to indicate that cs is from order request, to display order # within the CS. To not allow user to cancel, add Void instead.  New Feature
Financials>Financial Manager New Feature: To allow users ability to import their Chart Of  Accounts  New Feature
Parts > Counter Sale Manager > Invoice Print Tightened the spacing of the counter sale, counter sale single window and counter sale double window invoices so more items will fit per page New Feature
Reports Added an Excel export version of the PMs Due by Customer report New Feature
Fleet -> Rental Manager -> To Be Invoiced Added weekly and bi-weekly billing cycles for rental and lease units New Feature

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