Mobile App for Technicians: PM Inspection Module

Mobile App for Technicians: PM Inspection Module

PM Inspection Module

This article will provide an overview on how to complete PM Inspections within the EMDECS Mobile App.

A technician can complete a PM Inspection Form within a Repair Order while clocked onto that labor line, or within the PM Inspection Module of the app.

Complete an Inspection Form within an RO

If a PM inspection Form is attached to a labor line you will see a PM Inspection section within the Details tab of the RO. Click on the arrow to launch the PM Inspection Module for the RO.

A list of sections will be displayed. Click on a section to complete it.

A list of inspection items will be displayed.  Click on the arrow on an item to complete it.

Using the Next button at the bottom of the screen, you can go through each inspection item that needs to be completed.  In the example pictured below, Pass or Fail needs to be selected.

You also have the ability to add any picture Attachments or Notes.

Once each section is 100% completed, click Complete Inspection.

A summary of the inspection items will be listed.  If a signature is required, click the Signature button at the bottom.

Use your finger to write your signature then click Submit. You can use the Clear button to re-do your signature if needed.

To indicate the PM Inspection Form was submitted successfully you will see a green pop-up at the bottom of the screen that says "Changes applied.".

Click Dismiss to go back to the main module menu.

Complete an Inspection Form within the PM Inspection Module

You also have the option to complete the PM Inspection Form through the PM Inspection Module.

Click on the PM Inspection Module in the main module menu.

In the next screen search for the Owner, Unit #, or VMRS to find the inspection you need to fill out. You can also use the Facility drop-down to change locations.

Click on the arrow of the inspection to open and complete the PM Inspection Form as previously outlined in the Complete an Inspection Form within an RO section of this article.

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