Mobile App for Technicians: Circle Check Module

Mobile App for Technicians: Circle Check Module

Performing a Circle Check

Circle Checks can only be performed by a Technician using the EMDECS Mobile App

If you have not downloaded the app yet, please refer to the Mobile App for Technicians: Initial Setup - Downloading the App article.

1. Open the EMDECS Mobile App and Sign In.

2. Select the Circle Check module.

3. Enter your Badge Number and click Submit.

4. Type in the Unit Number or Customer and hit Done or Enter on your keyboard.

5. Click on the Unit to open up the Circle Check Inspection Form.

Submitting a Circle Check with No Defects

If there are no defects to report follow these steps:

1. Input any required Readings by typing in the field. The below example shows an Odometer reading is required.

All the defect types are defaulted to Pass, click Submit to continue.

2. Input your Signature within the box provided, then click SubmitUse the Clear button to re-do your signature.

3. After clicking Submit you will get a green pop-up that says "Changes applied.". Click on the Dismiss button to exit out the Circle Check module and go back to the main module screen.


Submitting a Circle Check with Defects

If there are defects to report follow these steps:

1. Input any required Readings by typing in the field. The below example shows an Odometer reading is required.

All the defect types are defaulted to Pass, click "Fail" to mark the defect. Use the Notes box to add any notes. Once you are finished logging all the defects, click Submit.

2. You will be shown a Summary of the defects you are reporting. Click Signature to continue.

3. Input your Signature within the box provided, then click SubmitUse the Clear button to re-do your signature.

3. After clicking Submit you will get a green pop-up that says "Changes applied.". Click on the Dismiss button to exit out the Circle Check module and go back to the main module screen.


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