Mobile App for Technicians: Repair Order Module

Mobile App for Technicians: Repair Order Module

This article will provide an overview on the Repair Order Module in the EMDECS Mobile App.

After signing in you will be prompted to select which module you will use. For TechRO select Repair Order.

You will then be prompted to enter your Badge Number, this is specific to each technician. Click Submit to proceed.

If your Username is assigned to your Employee profile you will not need to enter your Badge Number

Repair Order Module

After putting in your badge there are 3 screens you can be directed to:
This first option is the Assigned tab. This shows when you have no open repair orders.

The second option is the Assigned tab but with your Last Job shown. This shows when you have open repair orders.


The last option is the Repair Order screen. This shows when you are currently scanned onto a labor line

Assigned Tab

The Assigned tab shows:
  1. Status: This indicates your current status. Examples are Lunch, Shift Ended, Indirect Activities.
  2. Last Job 
    1. Click Continue to start the clock on the last labor line you worked on.

  1. Facility
    1. If you have access to multiple location use the drop down to select another Facility.

  1. Assigned Units
    1. To start work on an assigned unit click GO.

  1.  Other Work
    1.  Use the drop-down to select and search for other Units. Click GO to create a new RO for the unit or scan onto an existing RO. 

Repair Order Screen

After selecting the unit you are going to work on if there are no open work orders you will be given the option to select labour from Work Required, Other Work (VMRS), or Service Programs.

Using any of the drop downs will give you a list of labor lines. When you've found the labor line you want to start time on, click the clock icon.

Details Tab

After clicking on the clock icon, you will be brought to the Details tab in the Repair Order screen. This screen shows an overview of the labor line you currently are working on.

You can see the date and time stamp says this labor was started at 8:02 AM. Now the clock is running and will continue to log time on the labor line until you click another scan option such as another labor line or an indirect activity.

At the top of the Details tab you can edit the labor Description, and add a photo.

In the middle of the screen you can add/edit the ComplaintReason, and Task. To do this click on the arrow, choose the approriate option and click Select.


At the bottom of the Details tab you can add ComplaintCause and Correction Notes. Click + ADD NOTE then type in your note in the pop-up. Once finished click the ADD NOTE button.


Parts Tab

To add parts to a labor line, you must be clocked onto that job first. Then click on the Parts tab and click +ADD

Search for the Part Number, input the Quantity and click ADD. Repeat this process for all the parts that you need to add. Click on the X to go back to the Parts tab.    
After you click the ADD button, the QTY field will clear/become blank. This indicates that the parts was added to the RO. Click on the X to view the added parts.


To delete a part click on the red trash can icon.

Additional Details

Click on the tab on the left side of the screen to view more repair order details.

Here you can view the Work Order #, the Unit # and the unit Description

You can also add any picture Attachments by clicking on the picture icon. In the next screen click + ADD FILE and choose to Open Camera or Choose From Library.


There are also fields for you to enter any Internal Notes, External Notes, and Readings.

You can update Readings for the Unit, only if the unit already has a meter readings.

To add an Internal Note or External Note click on the arrow. Type in your note then click ADD NOTE to save.

Adding Labor

To continue or start on a labor line that is already on the RO click on the clock icon to start your time. 

To add another labor line to the RO click + ADD. 

You can search for and choose labor from Work Required, Other Work (VMRS), or Service Programs. Click on the down arrow to view the list and search for labor.

Once you find the correct labor line click on the clock icon to start your time. This will redirect you to the Repair Order Details tab.


Time Codes and Indirect Activities

At the bottom of the Repair Order Screen there are several options to scan onto a different activity, view assigned work, or unit ready.

Lunch   Clocks off all activities for lunch break.
Pause   Clocks off the existing job, keeps track of the accumulated time, and adds the time to the next unit/activity selected.
End Shift   Clocks off all activities and ends your day.
Indirect   Pops up a list of indirect activities (i.e. shop cleaning) to select between repairs.
Assigned   Displays your Assigned Units and Other Work.
Ready   Sets the current repair order to unit ready and submits it to the service manager for invoicing.

By clicking on the Indirect button you will be shown a list of the activity options. Select the activity by click on the circle, then clicking SELECT.

The next screen will show your Status at the top.


Once all the work is completed you can indicate the work is complete by clicking Ready. This will send the RO over to the Complete RO on the Service Manager side of EMDECS.

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