Part Serialization & Using Serialized Parts on Purchase Orders or Counter Sales

Part Serialization & Using Serialized Parts on Purchase Orders or Counter Sales

Serialized Parts and how to use them in Counter Sales & Purchase Orders

This article will go into detail on how to serialize parts and the logic that's applied when using these parts on purchase orders or counter sales. Serialized Parts are a way to add a unique serial number to each instance of a part, Rather than having a set amount of a parts with matching information.

Setting up parts to be serialized

Creating the Part

The first thing we'll need to do is go to Parts > Part Master > New Part (If you want to serialize an already existing part you can skip to step "Initializing Serial Numbers")

The only fields we need to have entered are Part #, Description, Stocking UOM, Product Group, Cost, & Costing Method. We've gone and created the part BRAKE30. After you've created the part we'll need to update the on-hand to serialize it. This can be done in one of a few ways, The most common method would be ordering and receiving the part (This can be seen below or on the article here The amount received will be the number of unique serial numbers for that part.

On the Part Master screen you can also select the part and on the screen where you'd select "More Info" you can press "Update" to manually increase or decrease the onhand.

Initializing Serial Numbers

Now that the part has an on-hand above zero we can initialize the serialization, We'll want to open the part and press "More Info" then on the "Settings" tab we want to press "Initialize Serial Numbers",

To add serial numbers to these parts we select "Add" and we'll see a screen where we add a serial number and a cost.
Keep in mind each instance of a serialized part will have it's own serial number and cost, though the cost will still be affected by parts contracts. The unit cost is the the cost of this unique instance of the part, and will be affected by contracts independently.
It's also important to know when serializing parts there needs to be an onhand above 0 at the specific warehouse you want this setup with, If a warehouse has 0 onhand you won't be able to serialize this part.

Once we've added serial numbers for each part we can press Initialize to finalize the setup process.

If we go back to the settings screen for BRAKE30 we'll then see "View Serial Numbers On Hand" rather than "Initialize Serial Numbers". Opening this screen you'll see each unique instance of the part and there individual serial numbers/costs.

Selecting a serial number from the screen above allows you to change the serial number/unit cost.

Ordering & Receiving Serialized Parts

Ordering Serialized Parts

The first place we'll want to go is Parts > Order Parts > Order from Vendor. Then we'll need to select the warehouse and vendor.
As mentioned in the setup section each serialized part will be attached to a specific warehouse, rather than being available across the board.

After we select the warehouse we'll see the purchase order screen, From here we want to search for our part BRAKE30. At this point the part works like most other parts when ordering, you don't need to add the unique serial number until receiving. The main differential is the term "[Serialized]" under the part #.

Unless you need to order other parts we can now press "Submit".

Receiving Serialized Parts

Then we'll want to go to Parts> Receive Parts and find the purchase order we just made. Once we find this purchase order we can open it and press "Receive Parts". This then brings up the Inventory Receiving screen, this then brings up the most important part of ordering serialized parts, adding the serial number. We'll see it as it's own field on the part line, with every instance of the part being ordered having it's own line. Much like the initial serialization we'll also need to enter a unique cost associated to this instance of the part.

For this example we'll also add a part through the receiving, increasing the number of BRAKE30 being purchased to 2. The part on the second line was added through the receiving.

Once we've filled in the mandatory fields (Serial Number + Unit Cost) we can then receive these parts. If we go back to Parts > Part Master > BRAKE30 > Settings and open up the "View Serial Numbers On Hand" screen we'll see the new parts we've just received with there respective serial numbers and unit cost.

Counter Sales with Serialized Parts

Now that we have added serial numbers to this part we can use it as we would any other part, first we'll look at counter sales.
Going to Parts > Counter Sale Manager > Add New Counter Sale. We'll then need to choose our location and customer.

On the counter sale we can add the part we created above BRAKE30, The main difference will be an additional popup screen to select the specific instance of the part.
The screen that comes up asks if you'd like to "Issue Out" the part or "Return" it. First let's look at issuing out the part. This screen shows you the serial number and the date the part was received into the system, we'll select the ones we want to sell by checking off the checkbox on the right side and pressing "Issue Selected"

Once the part has been issued you'll see the cost has changed, this will be based off of the customers part contract or your companies default part contract. Unless you need to add any further parts to this counter sale you can now invoice it.
We can also expand the line by selecting the arrow on the far right side, this shows the serial number as well as the current on hand and an editable notes field.

Now we can go through the process of returning a part on a counter sale. Going through the same process of Parts > Counter Sale Manager > Add New Counter Sale we'll want to create a similar setup as seen above. The main difference being we will select "Return" on the "Select Serial Numbers" screen. From here we need to add a serial number, unit cost and we are also given an optional notes field.
You can reuse serial numbers from invoiced counter sales but if you plan on taking returns it's recommended you don't reuse them. This won't cause any problems but it's more for reference just in case.

Once you've added each part you'd like to return you can press "Return Serial Numbers", Then unless you need to add other parts to this counter sale you can invoice it.

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