Rental Manager

Rental Manager

This article refers to the steps required to setup a corporation for Rental and Leasing

1. Setup Rental Equipment Types and Other Charges if Required
2. Setup Rental Contracts and Assign them to customers
3. Create a Rental Unit with:
Domicile Location
Rental Type (Under Asset)
Corporate Division
4. Create a Reservation
Or directly create a Rental Agreement without a reservation
5. Return the Unit and Invoice

Standard Codes

Set Rental Equipment Types

Administration -> Standard Codes -> Things to Do -> Rental Equipment Types

This window allows you to AddDelete, or Inactivate your Equipment Types. Click + Add Rental Equipment Type to be able to input a code and description :

To Create 'Other Charges' Codes

Administration->Standard Codes->Things to Do-> Rental Other Charges

Any other charges that you may want to charge your customer will appear here. Select +Add Rental Other Charge to create a new one

Another pop-up will open; all the fields here are mandatory and must be filled out. 
Code: unique code for the charge
Description: state what the charge is for
Charge Instance: when will the customer be charged for this? Once or Monthly, or even the First Invoice or at the Termination of the Agreement
Default Amount: an amount must be set; however, if the amount is subject to change, set the default rate to $0

The Active Checkbox works as though it is a Default. If this box is ticked off, then the charge will always populate on the Rental/Leasing Agreements

To Set the Contracts

Rental Rates

Administration->Standard Codes->Rental&Lease (bottom tab)

This opens to the Rental Rates screen; here you can create your Rental Contracts and set the RatesCharges, and Customers that belong to the contract. Each Contract has a rate for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and 4 Weeks. Enter the rates you wish to charge by selecting  +Add Equipment Rate

This will open a pop-up to input the information. All fields except 4 Weeks Rate are required.
If you do use 4 Weeks Rate, it should typically be set to the same as the Monthly Rate

Set Reading Rate

You can also choose to set extra Rates based on Readings. Select +Add Reading Rate to open the pop-up. The first two fields are the only ones set as mandatory, however, it will need the Allowances and Rates in order to be able to calculate a charge. 

Charge: How much per KM will they be charged?
Allowances: How many miles or km are they allowed per instance before the reading charges begin to accrue?

Other Charges

Here is where you can AddDelete, or even Override your Other Charges

+Add Other Charge opens a pop-up to allow you to select the other charge from a drop-down menu. You can set a separate Default Amount and Charge Instance here as well. 
If you have not already created the codes in the system, then under Things to Do on the left you will find the option to enter them. 

The Override allows you to set your Other Charges by Rental Equipment Type

Rental Customers

If you have a large number of customers to put on to one Contract, this screen will allow it to be done in BULK. The counter next to the search bar will let you know how many Customers belong to this contract. Select Manage Customers to begin adding customers

Select the NAME of your Customer, then use the ARROWS in the middle to move them on and off of the Contract 

Contracts prevent Accidental Rentals to those who have not yet been set up in the system

Rental Units

Units need to be designated in the system as available for Rent or Lease before they can be chosen from the list. To start, put your company code into the search
You can only set your own Units to Rental/Lease. 

Fleet->Unit Master

Set Location

Select a Unit from the list and click More Info to display all options for the unit. This opens to the Specifications tab. Look along the bottom for Domicile Location to set the Location for this unit

Select +Add Domicile Location

Each Unit can only be assigned to one location at a time.

Rental Type

Set the Rental Type Accordingly under the Asset Tab

Corporate Division

Set the Corporate Division under the corresponding tab. 

Select +Add to add the division to the Unit. All fields here are mandatory

Division Types are Customer made codes. These can be modified by going to Administration -> Corporate Setup Manager-> Corporate Divisions (double arrow).
Rental/Lease Types are hardcoded in the system and can not be modified. 

The Unit can be rented out as of the Effective Date set under the Division Type. If a rental agreement needs to be backdated, then it still needs to fall within this time period. The Effective Date can be modified if needed to achieve this. 

Assigning Contract to Customer

Another way to set the Contract to a Customer is to go to Administration->Customers->Select Customer

On the right-hand side, there is a drop-down menu to select the contract. Additionally, if the customer will be using their own insurance as opposed to yours, there is a space here to record it.

This field will always be blank until you have chosen a Contract from the drop-down menu

Creating a Rental or Lease Agreement

Reservation Screen

Fleet->Rental Manager
This screen will only show Units that are qualified based on the Rental Parameters (location renting from, unit availability status, and corporate division)

Selecting +Add Reservation opens a Wizard. The only REQUIRED information is the Start and End dates of the Rental

The Equipment Screen (#2)  will allow you to add multiple units to the lease all at once

Once the reservation is in the system, you can create a Rental Agreement for it


The second tab along the bottom displays any current agreements in the system. Select one to show the Agreement Details in the right-hand pane. 

You can also bypass the Reservation Screen and use +Create Rental Agreement. This is useful when the customer is standing in front of you. The location will default to the one being shown; if you have multiple locations that you rent/lease from, be sure the correct location is selected to show the appropriate Units. 

Once you have confirmed the location and customer, press ok. A Rental Agreement will open on your screen. From here, you will be able to select the Unit, display accumulated Time &Reading Charges, and add Other Misc Charges.  

Unit Tab

The Date Out and the Billing Start date should always be the same. 

Select the Unit to add to the Agreement. 

If the Unit is not set correctly, an Error will pop

When the correct Unit has been chosen, it will display on the Unit Tab. Note that the Radial for Type is now greyed out

Time & Reading Charges tab 

If you have created any charges based on Time or Readings (link to Readings Rate in the Standard Codes Section of this article) you will be able to view the applied charges here. 
These will not appear until time has accrued after the Date Out has passed for the Time Charges

You will need to enter an OUT READING regardless of whether you set rates by this or not; only the first 3 fields are mandatory.  If you do wish to set charges by readings, enter the Charge and Allowance information here as well.
When you have entered the reading, it will update the Readings Tab under Unit Master as well

Select the hyperlink to enter a 'Reading Out'

Other Misc Charges

The Other Charges marked as active in the system automatically apply to all agreements. Use this tab here to REMOVE them by pressing the Red X and then the Garbage Can

Otherwise, to add a charge not set as active but already created in the system, select +Add Misc Charge.  Fill in all required fields, noting that the Effective Date should already match the Start/Bill date from the Unit Tab

Select either Save/Exit to be able to modify the agreement later, or click Finalize/Print to render a PDF version of the agreement (attached).

Return Unit

Fleet-> Rental Manager-> Return Unit

Select the appropriate unit from the list

Input a Return Reading; you also have the choice of adding any Work Required to the unit before it can be rented again. Notes can be added to the agreement, as well as there is a line to enter the Renter's email address. 

There are two options to finalize a rental agreement; you can return the unit and invoice it now, or return the unit and invoice at a later date. This is useful if one customer rents many units and would like to pay for them at the same time, or if the driver returning the unit is not the administrative officer for your customer and does not have the authorization to pay. 

Return Unit and Exit

A Return Unit Report will generate

Select the To Be Invoiced tab along the bottom. The location will default to your main one; click on the blue hyperlink in order to choose your location

A list will generate of all Rental fees waiting to be invoiced. You can select them one by one, or in this case as the listings are all for the same agreements, choose Select All. Once all selections are made, choose Generate Invoices. A pop up will appear;  this shows what was emailed automatically to the customer, as well as giving you the option to print. 

Return and Invoice

Enter the Return Reading, add any required work or notes to the unit, and select Return and Invoice

A summary of the charges will be displayed

You have the option of un-returning the unit from this screen if done in error

After confirming all charges, select Invoice. A PDF will render

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