Create a New Repair Order as a Service Manager (Video)

Create a New Repair Order as a Service Manager (Video)


This video and walkthrough explain how to create a new repair order as a service manager, without having it started by a service technician using Tech RO.

Video Walkthrough

Click on the square at the bottom right-hand corner to view the video in full screen mode.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

  1. Service managers can create new repair orders from scratch on the Complete RO screen.  To access Complete RO, open the Service Menu and select Complete RO .

  2. To start a new repair order, click on New RO .

  3. Search for the unit in the Search Unit field, or click Show Advanced Search for more detailed search options.  You can also create a new unit from scratch by clicking on New Unit .  For this demonstration, we'll go into the advanced search.

  4. The advanced search enables you to search for All or Any of the search fields listed.  For even more search criteria, click on the Add Fields button on the right hand side.  After searching, click on the Select button for the appropriate unit.

  5. The top panel of the repair order screen provides an overview and general information.  The location, owner, unit number and VIN, repair order number, and notes are displayed on the left hand side.  In the middle is the date and time along with any unit readings (such as odometer or engine hours).  At the top right are command buttons for processing the repair order and printing the repair.  Below the buttons is a summary of repair charges.

  6. The Labor and Parts tab is where labor and parts can be added to the repair.  Labor is added in the left hand pane, and any associated parts can be added on the right.

  7. To create the repair order, you need to start by adding a labor activity.  Click on the Add Labor link.

  8. The Add Labor window has three tabs:  Service Programs, VMRS, and RO History.  Service Programs are standard repairs have been created by a service manager in the SRT guide in EMDECS, the VMRS tab lists industry standard repairs with their VMRS codes, and the RO History tab allows you to add labor that has been previously performed on the same unit.

  9. For this example, we'll open the VMRS tab and use the search field to find labor activities that contain system code 043.  Click on any icon to drill down and locate a specific labor activity.

  10. Then click on the green plus next to the labor activity you need to add to the repair.

  11. After selecting labor, you can edit the description, charge hours, hourly charge, and then enter notes.  The default service reason and task can also be changed by clicking on either hyperlink and selecting a different code.

    Pop-up window for selecting a Service Reason:

  12. When you're finished adding labor activities, click Add at the bottom.

  13. To add parts to the repair, select a labor activity on the left hand side, and then click on Add Parts .

  14. As you type a part number or part description into the text field., EMDECS will search automatically and display search results in a drop-down list.  Click on the matching part number to select it.

  15. Adjust the quantity and click Issue Part .

  16. Parts can be moved from one labor activity to another by left-clicking on a part number and dragging and dropping it to a different labor icon on the left.  In this example, I've moved the ACME muffler from the TurboCharger activity to the Muffler activity.

  17. To edit the charge quantity, unit charge, or total charge, click on any of the hyperlinks.  Make any necessary changes to the labor activity, failure reason, quantity, or unit charge in the pop-up window then click OK to save.

  18. Click Close when done adding parts.

  19. Technician actual times can be entered by clicking on an Actual Hours hyperlink.

  20. Click on Add Time.

  21. Select the technician name, start and finish times, edit the charge hours as needed then click OK to save.

  22. Existing time entries can be edited by clicking on any of the hyperlinks. Click Close at the bottom when done.

  23. To add a surcharge, such as a towing fee or environmental surcharge, click on the dollar amount hyperlink.

  24. Click Select Surcharge .

  25. Surcharges can be calculated by percentage or a flat rate surcharge can be added.  If there are part items defaults in place, the item default option can be checked.  Click OK to save changes.

  26. Once you are done modifying the repair order, click Invoice to complete and invoice the repair.

  27. A Repair Order Invoice will be generated in a PDF in a pop-up window for printing.

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