Standard Codes - Labor, Part, & Shop Supply Contracts

Standard Codes - Labor, Part, & Shop Supply Contracts

Add a Labor Contract 

To add a labor contract go to Administration > Standard Codes 

In the Standard Codes screen go to Customer > Labor Contract

To add a new Labor Contract click on + Add

Labor Contract Wizard

Contract Info

Input a Code and Description for the Labor Contract
One labor contract must be set as the Default Labor Contract so EMDECS knows which labor rate to charge customers without a labor contract assigned to them
  1. The Active checkbox should be checked as long as the contract is still in use. Unchecking Active will disable the contract
  2. The Default check box can be checked if this contract should be the default labour contract
  3. The Notes field is optional

Click Next to move on to Contract Rate

Contract Rate

Input the Hourly Rate and Sublet Markup % if applicable.
  1. The Hourly Rate is the amount to be charged for every charge hour inputted on a labor line in an RO
    1. The total charge is automatically calculated using the contract rate when the charge hours column is filled in for added labor on a RO
  2. If your shop does sublet repairs and applies a markup to sublet labor fill in the Sublet Markup % field

Click Next to move on to Override by Facility. If you do not need to input any overrides you can click Save/Exit now to finish creating the Labor contract.

Override by Facility

Labor contracts can also be configured with different rates for different shop locations/facilities. 
  1. For example, a shop facility in another state or province (or in an urban area versus a rural area) may have higher costs and require a higher hourly rate.
Creating overrides is optional but to create an override by facility click + Add Labor Rate 

A line will appear where you can choose the Location and input an Hourly Rate and Effective Date
  1. Check or uncheck the Active checkbox to enable or disable the override

Click Next to move on to Override by Equipment Shift. If you do not need to input any more overrides you can click Save/Exit now to finish creating the Labor contract.

Override by Equipment Shift

To add an Equipment Shift override click + Add

In the pop-up select a Location and Equipment Shift
  1. Click + Add New/Manage to create a new Equipment Shift or to edit existing ones
  2. Check or uncheck the Active checkbox to enable or disable the override
Click Save/Exit when you are finished adding Equipment Shift overrides

Click Save/Exit to finish creating the Labor contract

Assigning a Labor Contract to a Customer

If a customer does not have a labor contract assigned to them then the default labor contract rates will apply
Go to Administration > Customer and select the customer you'd like to assign a contract to

Under the Details tab on the right-hand side there is a section called Contracts

Click on the labor field to select a Labor Contract for the customer

Click on + Add to create a new labor contract. This will take you to the Labor Contract Wizard

If you select a labor contract an Edit button will appear which will allow you to edit the selected labor contract 

Click Save/Exit then OK to save your changes and assign the labor contract to the customer

Here is an example of an RO for LC Bus Company which we assigned the STD2 Labor Contract to. 

As you can see the Hourly charge shows a rate of $60 which was determined by the STD2 contract.

The total charge is automatically calculated using the contract rate when the charge hours column is filled in for added labor on a RO.

Add a Parts Contract 

For more information on Part Markups and Pricing click here.

To add a parts contract go to Administration > Standard Codes 

In the Standard Codes screen go to Customer > Parts Contract

To add a new Labor Contract click on + Add

Parts Contract Wizard 

Contract Info

Input a Code and Description for the Parts Contract
One parts contract must be set as the Default Parts Contract so EMDECS knows which rate to charge customers without a parts contract assigned to them
  1. The Active checkbox should be checked as long as the contract is still in use. Unchecking Active will disable the contract
  2. The Default check box can be checked if this contract should be the default parts contract
  3. The Notes field is optional

Click Next to move on to Markup


The following markup fields are available:

Markup %:  Enter a percentage to markup parts based on your default costing method (Average, Standard, Last, Landed, or Average Landed)

Discount %:  Leave this field blank unless you want to maintain retail prices for all of your parts. 
If you enter a value here, the sale price of parts will be based on each part's retail price instead of purchase cost history
  1. To sell parts at a fixed retail price, enter a percentage to discount off the retail price
    1. Enter 0% to sell at the retail price without a discount
  2. To sell parts with a retail price markup, enter 0% in the field and then refer to the section titled Change Retail Prices in Bulk section for instructions on how to set retail markup percentages for parts in bulk. 

Core Markup %:  Enter a percentage if cores should be marked up differently from other parts.  Leave this field blank for core markups to be the same as non-core parts

Core Discount %:  Only applicable when using the Discount % option above.  Enter a percentage if cores should be discounted at a different rate.  Leave the field blank if cores should be sold at the same discount rate as non-core parts

Sublet %:  Enter a percentage to markup the cost of sublet parts. This field is optional.
You can only enter Markup percentages OR Discount percentages, not both

Click Next to move on to Markup by Cost Range. If you do not need to input any overrides you can click Save/Exit now to finish creating the parts contract.

Markup by Cost Range

The Markup by Cost Range step is optional and only applicable when you want to have different markup rates based on the cost of the part. 

For example, you might want a 50% markup on any parts that cost less than $10 while having a 35% markup on all other parts. 

Markup by Cost Range cannot be used with a discount contract

With multiple cost range markups entered, you have the flexibility to vary your markup rates for different part cost ranges, as pictured in the example below.

To add cost range markups, click + Add Markup 
  1. In the Include Up To field enter the cost of the parts to be included in the Markup %
  2. In the Markup % enter the markup percentage for parts within the cost range 
  3. In the Core markup % enter the core markup percentage if your markup should be different than the Markup % for core parts

Click Next to move on to Markup by Markup Code. If you do not need to input any more overrides you can click Save/Exit now to finish creating the parts contract.

Markup by Markup Code

The Markup By Markup Code screen is optional and only applicable when you need to price or markup groups of parts differently from other parts in EMDECS. 

For example, if you need to sell oil filters with a different markup percentage from other parts, this can be accomplished by creating a markup code. 

To set up a Markup by Markup Code click Add

  1. In the Location field type in the location name and select it or click on the magnifying glass to select a location
  2. In the Markup Code field choose a code from the drop-down list
  3. The Effective Date and Termination Date are optional
  4. Check or uncheck the Active checkbox to enable or disable the override

Add Markup Codes and Rates

If you have not created any markup codes in your system the Markup Code drop-down list will be blank.

Click  + Add New / Manage to create a new markup code

Each markup code can have multiple markup groups with different rates. 

Click Add Markup Code 

In the pop-up enter the Code and Description then click OK 
  1. Check or uncheck the Active checkbox to enable or disable the Markup Code

Make sure you select the correct Markup Code at the top then click + Add Rate

Choose a Markup Group and enter the Markup % or Discount %

The Core Markup/Discount % fields should be left blank unless you want to markup or discount core parts at a different rate
  1. Check or uncheck the Active checkbox to enable or disable the Markup Code Rate
  2. Additional rates for the came Markup code can be added by clicking + Add Rate again
Click OK to save the entered rates

In the example below you can see we added a Markup Code called Oil Markup. The Oil Markup Code has 2 rates; Conventional with 15% markup and Synthetic with 20% markup.

If you are finished adding Markup Codes and Rates click Close

After adding all your Markup Code Assignments you are finished with the Parts Contract and you can click Save/Exit 

Assign Markup Groups to Parts

In order for the Markup Codes and Rates to take effect the parts must be assigned to the correct Markup Group

Navigate to Parts Part Master 

In the Part Settings tab you can add a Markup Group from the drop-down list 

Assigning a Parts Contract to a Customer

If a customer does not have a Parts contract assigned to them then the Default Parts contract rates will apply

Go to Administration > Customer and select the customer you'd like to assign a contract to

Under the Details tab on the right-hand side there is a section called Contracts

Click on the Parts field to select a Parts Contract for the customer

Click on + Add to create a new parts contract. This will take you to the Parts Contract Wizard

If you select a parts contract an Edit button will appear which will allow you to edit the selected Parts Contract 

Click Save/Exit then OK to save your changes and assign the Parts contract to the customer

Here is an example of an RO for LC Bus Company which we assigned the STD2 Parts Contract to. 

As you can see the Unit Cost is $2.00 and a Unit Charge is $2.40

The charge shows a 20% markup of $0.40 which was determined by the STD2 contract.

Add a Shop Supply Contract  

To add a Shop Supply contract go to Administration > Standard Codes 

In the Standard Codes screen go to Customer > Shop Supply Contract

To add a new Shop Supply Contract click on + Add

Shop Supply Contract Wizard

Contract Info

Input a Code and Description for the Shop Supply Contract
One Shop Supply Contract must be set as the Default Shop Supply Contract so EMDECS knows which rate to charge customers without a Shop Supply contract assigned to them
  1. The Active checkbox should be checked as long as the contract is still in use. Unchecking Active will disable the contract
  2. The Default check box can be checked if this contract should be the default Shop Supply contract
  3. The Notes field is optional

Click Next to move on to Contract Rate

Contract Rate

Select if you'd like the contract to be Based on Parts, Labor or Parts & Labor
  1. The Up to Amount field is optional but you can enter a value here to show the max amount you can charge for Shop Supplies 
  2. The Default Percent field is the percentage of the total amount of Parts and/or Labor you will charge for Shop Supplies. This field is mandatory. 

Click Next to move on to Non-chargeable Taxes. If you do not need to input any overrides you can click Save/Exit now to finish creating the Shop Supply contract.

Non-chargeable Taxes

If your shop supply fee is non-taxable, click + Add Tax to add any taxes that should not be applied to the shop supply fee.

A new line will appear where you can choose the Tax Code and Effective Date.

Check or uncheck the Active checkbox to enable or disable the Non-chargeable Taxes

Click Next to move on to Override by location. If you do not need to input any more overrides you can click Save/Exit now to finish creating the Shop Supply contract.

Override by location

To add a location override click +Add Location

  1. Select a Location from the drop-down list 
  2. Select if you'd like the location override to be Based on PartsLabor or Parts & Labor
  3. The Effective Date and Termination Date are optional
Click Save/Exit to save the location details

Click + Add Percent to add the shop supply percentage for the location override

In the pop-up input the Up to Amount and Percent then click Save/Exit

Click Save/Exit to finish creating the Shop Supply Contract

Assigning a Shop Supply Contract to a Customer

Go to Administration > Customer and select the customer you'd like to assign a contract to

Under the Details tab on the right-hand side there is a section called Contracts 

Click on the Supply field to select a Shop Supply Contract for the customer

Click on + Add to create a new Shop Supply contract. This will take you to the Shop Supply Contract Wizard

If you select a Shop Supply contract an Edit button will appear which will allow you to edit the selected Shop Supply contract 

Click Save/Exit then OK to save your changes and assign the Shop Supply contract to the customer

Here is an example of an RO for LC Bus Company which we assigned the STD2 Shop Supply Contract to. 

As you can see the Total Charge is $200 and the Shop Charge is $10

This is determined by our Shop Supply Contract which is 5%

(5% of $200 = $10)

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