How to Supersede Parts in EMDECS

How to Supersede Parts

This article describes how to properly supersede parts so that they correlate in the system when performing a search. 

Choosing when to Supersede

When a part number changes, there are two ways to update this in the system.

One is to simply change the name 

However, this does not leave a way to find the old part number in the system should you need it

If you need to be able to track the change, this is when you would use the Superseding function. 

How to Supersede

1. Mark the Old Part as Non-Stock

2. Create the New Part 

It is a good idea to make the description exactly the same for both parts, so that they have a common field to be searched by regardless of what the Part Name is. This will especially come in handy when attempting to add the Parts to an RO or PO afterwards, as they will only show the Active Parts in the system.

3. Select Non-Catalog Parts 

4. Search for the Old Part and select Merge

5.  A Pop-up will appear, enter the New Part in the "Merge With" Field and select 

6. Once it populates in the "Merge With" field, click Merge to complete

Be sure the New Part you are Merging to is marked as Active and In-Stock, otherwise you will not be able to search for it

There will be no indication on this page that the changes were made. 

Searching for Superseded Parts

When looking for superseded parts, using Parts-> Part Master is the most useful for this as it will show you all Parts.  The part that was superseded shows as not in stock and not active

If you select the active part and click More Info

It will show you on the main page that this part has been superseded. 

Click on the hyperlink to view associated parts and effective date of the switch

Adding Superseded Parts to ROs and POs


Only the active part will appear in this search as you would not be putting an in-active part on a work order.

If you are unsure of the name of the new part, you can use the Part Master to verify the name or change it to something that is easier to find.  You can also search by the description by clicking on the Magnifying Glass next to the Part Search


Parts-> Order Parts 

Using the Description to search by, any Active Parts will be displayed to be ordered

Parts-> Receive Parts-> Quick Receiving 

Only Active Parts will be displayed by the search

Be sure to double check your Vendor, as it is a pre-populated field and does not necessarily use the Preferred Vendor

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