Unit Specifications

Unit Specifications

The unit specifications page is used to define and assign a variety of information about each unit.

The unit specifications screen in found under the Fleet menu -> Unit Master

Within the Unit Master, you can search and select the unit you want to see/edit.

When you click on the Unit Number hyperlink, you will see the 'At a Glance' window, which gives you a brief overview of the unit's information.

Click 'More Info' to get a more detailed view of the unit.

This is where you will find the Unit Specifications screen, allowing you to define a great amount of detail about the unit.

NOTE - Any Blue text on this screen is a clickable hyperlink, allowing you to change the value or drill down to get more information.
You can add the License # and the License Expiry Date, giving you another means to search for this unit and reminding you when the license expires.

The PM Group dropdown allows you to assign this unit to a fully customisable Preventative Maintenance Group. This will build a maintenance schedule for this unit, based on your setup of the maintenance group. 

Your first service dates/readings will be based off the 'In Service Date' (which also allows you to enter an initial reading) and the first service internal set within the PM Group.

This is what defines the 'Next PM Due:'. Also allowing you to manually Override PM Due, in case you need to change this due date.

The 'Last WO:' field allows you to see the last work order that was carried out on this unit and also allows you to click the WO reference number to view that work order.

The 'SRT Group' allows you to select a Standard Repair Times Group for this unit.
SRT's in EMDECS let users define the standard times for certain jobs and also suggest parts that would normally be used for it - amongst a variety of other features.
When assigning an SRT Group to a unit, you will only see the relevant Standard times set for that group, when adding labour to this unit.

The Class, Equipment Type and Sub Type allow you to further define the type of unit.

One of the uses for this is that you are able to run reports targeted at only a specific Equipment Type, such as Trucks or Trailers.

The 'Notes' field opens a free text box, allowing you to add any additional information that you may require for this unit.

There are also some 'Additional Specs', that allow you to enter a variety of other notable information.
This information is available to technicians to view, to help them identify or carry out work on the unit. 

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