Warehouse Manager

Warehouse Manager

To get to the Warehouse Manager go to Administration > Warehouse Manager 

Warehouse Stock

The Warehouse Stock tab is where you can find your Stock Parts list. This screen is useful in see your Part on hand quantities at a glance. 

This screen will display the Part #, Part Description, Product Group, Preferred Vendor, UOM, and On Hand Quantities.

You can filter by Warehouse and use the Search field to search for a specific part #.
  1. Check the Include Inactive checkbox to include inactive stock parts to the list 

Clicking on the Show Advanced Search button on the right-hand side will give you more options to filter the list.

Part Locations 

The Part Locations tab is where you can manage parts that have part locations . This screen is useful to see part locations at a glance.

This screen will display the Part #Part DescriptionProduct Group, UOM, Active Status, and Location (Store Room, Row #, Shelf, and Bin #).

You can filter by Warehouse and Search using the blank fields above the columns. Type text in the fields and click the Enter button on your keyboard to submit the search.
  1. Check the Include Inactive checkbox to include inactive parts that have locations in the list. 

Delete Part Locations

To delete part locations use the red X and the trash bin icon.

Copy Part Locations To Another Warehouse

Click the Copy Part Locations To Another Warehouse button on the right-hand side.

In the pop-up select the From Warehouse and To Warehouse then click Review.

The next pop-up will show the List of Parts to be Copied. Check the checkbox under the Select column to copy over the part locations.

You can  Search using the blank fields above the columns. Type text in the fields and click the Enter button on your keyboard to submit the search.
  1. You can narrow down the list to Only Parts With History In The To Warehouse by checking the check box
  2. Use the De-select All button to remove all the checkmarks for the whole list
At the bottom there is an indicator of the total # of part locations that will be copied. Refer to this to before clicking Copy.

When you're finished click the Copy button to copy over the locations.

+ Add Part Locations

The Part Locations tab is where you can add a part location to multiple parts.

Choose a Warehouse from the drop down then click + Add Part Locations

You can  Search for a specific part by using the search field. Check the checkbox under the Select column to choose which parts you want to add the location to. 
  1. You can narrow down the list to Only Parts With History  by checking the check box
  2. Use the Select All and De-select All buttons to remove or apply checkmarks for the whole list
Input the Store Room, Row #, Shelf, and Bin # then click Add to add this location to all the selected parts.

Please refer to the Part Locations: How to Add/Edit or Remove within EMDECS article to learn how to add part locations within the Part Master

+ Move Part Locations

The Part Locations tab is where you can move part location for multiple parts.

Choose a Warehouse from the drop down then click + Move Part Locations

Choose the To Warehouse and check the checkbox under the Select column to choose which parts you want to move locations.

  1. If the From and To Warehouses are the same, the part location will just be changed to what you input at the bottom Store Room, Row #, Shelf, and Bin # fields
  2. If the To Warehouse is different from the From Warehouse, the current part location will be removed from the From Warehouse and the inputted Store Room, Row #, Shelf, and Bin # at the bottom of the screen will be added to the To Warehouse 
    1. To just move the part location from one warehouse to another input the same Store Room, Row #, Shelf, and Bin # 
  1. You can narrow down the list to Only Parts With History In The To Warehouse  by checking the check box
  2. Use the Select All and De-select All buttons to remove or apply checkmarks for the whole list
Input the Store Room, Row #, Shelf, and Bin # then click Move to move this location to all the selected parts.

Stock Replenishment 

The Stock Replenishment tab is where you can manage parts auto-replenish values at a glance.

This screen will display the Part #, Part Description, Preferred Vendor, Core On Hand, Min, Max, In Multiples Of, Stock UOM, Ordering UOM, Factor and 12
Month Usage

Auto-replenishment is warehouse specific and needs to be configured for each of your inventory warehouses

You can filter by Warehouse and Search using the search field.
  1. Check the Include Inactive Parts checkbox to include inactive parts to the list 
  2. You can narrow down the list to Show Only Parts With No Replenishment Values by checking the check box
  3. Use the Export button to get a spreadsheet of the data displayed on the screen

Adding Min/Max values here will automatically select the Reorder Method as Min/Max. To manage the Reorder Method go to
Parts > Part Master > Select a Part > Replenish Settings

You are able to edit the following columns by filling in the text fields or clicking on the blue hyperlinks:

Min:  The minimum on hand stock quantity when using Min/Max reordering.  A re-order is triggered when the on hand quantity is below this number
Max:  This is the maximum stock level that should be kept on hand.  Each time a re-order is generated, the system will re-order up to this maximum quantity
In Multiples of:  Enter a number here if the part is received in multiples.  For example, if the part can only be purchased in pairs of two, enter "2" in this field
Order UOM:  Enter a UOM here if the part is purchased in a unit of measure other than the part Stock UOM
Factor:  The factor indicates the quantity of parts that corresponds with the Order UOM.  For example, if the part is ordered by the gallon, but sold by the quart, enter 4 in the factor field
12 Month Usage:  This field allows you to enter a part usage code

To manage the Replenish Settings for a specific part go to Parts > Part Master > Select a Part > Replenish Settings

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